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Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Day 67

Attendance expectations for tomorrow's match against Cambridge United don't exactly fill me with confidence that the Lincoln board have our bottom line secured from further punishment. I just hope that, if things get worse, I won't be forced to sell any of my key players. It's out of my control, but it's a cloud hanging over me and Lincoln's future.
We are, at least, strong favourites to win. Not that that means anything. Remember what happened last time the bookies said we'd win comfortably? Yeah, I don't want that to happen again.
In other news, coach Jason Fowler reports that the team is pretty comfortable with my tactics and each other now—but they're unfamiliar with the current formation. I wonder if that's because I moved the right winger further up the pitch, or because we had a slight personnel change (thanks to new men and injuries), or a combination of the two. [I'd ask my staff and players, but that's not an option. I'm not sure it should be, either.]

Mark Bradshaw had another look at Irish full back Neal Horgan. He still says that we should sign Horgan, but I'm getting cold feet. I think we might be better off waiting until next season, whereupon I'll go looking for a talented youngster to groom as Bore's replacement.

Halstead agreed to the loan, and it's only the day after our offer was accepted—which indicates that he had no doubts. Excellent. He should give Anyon a real run for his money as first-choice goalkeeper. If my coaching staff are to be believed, he'll do even more than that—they think Halstead's the slightly better player, so he should win the spot.

Close comparison shows that it's not so straightforward. Anyon has vastly better handling, anticipation, and teamwork skills to Halstead, but greatly inferior first touch and command of area. Anyon's also stronger, more creative, and has less of a tendency to punch. But Halstead makes better, faster decisions and holds more influence over his teammates. [If only comparing real footballers could be so easy and mathematical.]
I wish they'd morph into one goalkeeper, so then I'd have the best parts of each—that keeper would be a quality player.

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